About Sister Kohler

About Sister Kohler
My name is Rebekah. I grew up in West Valley City, Utah in a family of five. I love robins-egg blue, the Wasatch Mountains, music, camp fires, snow, I Love Lucy re-runs, and antiques.

The dealings and accounts of my scattered life as a young adult and time as a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, serving in the Arizona Mesa Mission and Temple Visitors' Center.

I have a testimony of the Savior, Jesus Christ. He is truly the Redeemer of the world. Through Him, we can find true happiness in this life and acquire everlasting joy in the life to come.

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Book of Mormon Project

Today I was on exchanges with Hermana Hurd, this was a contact we made:

*walking up to a lady in her driveway who is vacuuming out her van* 

Missionaries, "Hello, how are you doing today?"

*lady turns around*
"You Jehovah's Witnesses?"

Missionaries, "No..."

Lady, "You Mormons?"

Well... anyway... she wasn't interested. 

Are we Mormons? We are disciples of Jesus Christ! His representatives! We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! But we know the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. And in honor of the great prophet, Mormon, who compiled our sacred book of scripture, we are sometimes referred to as "Mormons".

This has been on my mind the passed week. If others really knew what we believed as members of the Church, would they respect us? Would they be willing to understand why we are called "Mormons"? And what that really means? 

600 years before the birth of Jesus Christ a prophet named Lehi was commanded from God, our Heavenly Father, to leave Jerusalem and take his family to the American continent. For 600 years these people learned, prophesied and testified about Jesus Christ; that He would someday come to earth and perform an infinite Atonement, just as the prophets in the Old Testament of the Bible recorded. Christ was born and the sign of the star was given, recorded in the Bible and in the scripture from the American prophets. Christ set up His Church, performed miracles, and taught the Gospel; He performed the Atonement, was crucified and resurrected after 3 days, as recorded in the New Testament. After the Savior left His apostles with the charge of preaching the Gospel in Jerusalem, he appeared to the descendants of Lehi in the Americas. He taught them the Gospel, called twelve apostles, and performed miracles among them, just as He did in Jerusalem -- this is recorded in the Book of Mormon. 

We are not trying to change or detract from anyone's belief. We are simply sharing what we know to be true, what we know will bless lives. 
And we invite: 
Here is the evidence. Read it for yourself, and ask God if it is true.



~ Sister Kohler ~

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